Benefits of Energy Medicine

What Mary's clients
have healed or greatly improved.

Mary doesn’t use capital letters when writing the names of illnesses or conditions. Why?

They are not as powerful as we believe. Instead, they are simply particles from physical, emotional, and spiritual experiences that have accumulated to the point where they become a condition or illness.

Thankfully, they can also go away by changing your thoughts, beliefs, and energy.

Let's change your health, together.

Energy Healing is helpful for healing conditions that are physical, emotional, and spiritual.

Benefits may include:

  • addictive thoughts, obsession/compulsion
  • abscesses
  • adrenal fatigue
  • adrenal problems
  • allergies
  • anemia
  • anxiety, depression
  • arthritis
  • asthma
  • astigmatism
  • auto-immune diseases
  • back problems
  • bacterial infections
  • barrett’s esophagus
  • birth issues/traumas
  • bladder problems
  • bladder stones
  • bleeding
  • blood clots
  • blood pressure
  • bone deformity (bone deformity becoming normal)
  • bone spurs
  • bones (broken - heal faster)
  • bronchitis
  • cancer – lymphoma, osteosarcoma, hemangiosarcoma, breast, etc
  • candida/thrush
  • carpal-tunnel syndrome
  • cataracts
  • chronic conditions/diseases
  • circulation problems
  • cirrhosis
  • clostridium difficile
  • colic (in horses and babies)
  • colitis
  • constipation
  • corneal ulcers
  • cracked hooves (horses)
  • cushing’s disease
  • cysts
  • dementia
  • dental problems
  • depression, anxiety
  • diabetes
  • diarrhea
  • digestive conditions/disorders
  • dizziness (vertigo)
  • double vision
  • dry eye
  • earaches
  • emotional issues
  • endocrine system problems
  • erythema nodosum
  • eye problems – floaters, halos, macular degeneration, etc
  • fainting
  • fatigue
  • female problems
  • fibromyalgia
  • floaters & halos (eye)
  • fungal infections
  • gall bladder problems
  • granulomas
  • gum problems
  • headaches
  • headshaking syndrome (horses)
  • heartburn
  • hepatitis
  • hip dysplasia/pain
  • hives
  • hyperglycemia
  • ibd/ibs
  • immune issues
  • incontinence
  • indigestion
  • infections
  • injuries (ankle, knee, hip, back, etc.)
  • insomnia
  • joint pain/stiffness
  • kidney problems, including kidney failure
  • kidney stones
  • knee problems
  • lameness (horses, dogs, cats)
  • laminitis (horses)
  • laryngitis
  • leg problems
  • liver problems, including liver failure
  • lung problems
  • lupus
  • lyme disease
  • lymphatic problems
  • lymphoma
  • macular degeneration
  • meningitis
  • menopause problems
  • menstrual problems
  • migraines
  • narcolepsy
  • nausea
  • neck problems
  • nerve damage
  • nervousness
  • obsession/compulsion
  • organ transplant - reduce rejection risk
  • osteoporosis
  • pain
  • pancreatitis
  • paralysis – regained physical sensations/movement
  • pms
  • poison ivy
  • polio
  • prostate problems
  • psa (lowered)
  • psoriasis
  • rash
  • raynaud’s disease
  • reflux
  • respiratory problems
  • rheumatism
  • sarcoidosis
  • scarring reduces or goes away
  • sciatica
  • scoliosis
  • scratches
  • seizures
  • shingles
  • skin problems
  • sleep issues
  • split hooves (horses)
  • spondylosis
  • stenosis
  • stomach problems
  • stroke – reversed brain cell damage caused by stroke
  • thyroid disease
  • tinnitus
  • tmj syndrome
  • torn suspensory ligaments
  • tumors
  • ulcers
  • urinary tract infections
  • varicose veins
  • viral infections
  • vision loss
  • weak eye ligaments


Energy Healing can also be used for:

Babies & Children

  • Pre-natal
  • Post-natal: Brings baby back into harmony after birth
  • Relieves colic and digestive issues
  • Clears side-effects from immunizations or medications
  • Releases stress taken on by baby from family

Life Transitions

  • Birth
  • Marriage
  • Divorce
  • Moving
  • Loss of a loved one
  • New job
  • Job loss
  • End of life

Health & Wellness

  • Prevention of illness
  • Enhance energy and vitality
  • Release energies of stress, overwhelm, fear, anxiety, depression
  • Clearer thinking
  • Before and after surgery – recovery time is faster, minimizes scarring
  • After organ transplants so the body doesn’t reject organs
  • Sense of personal empowerment
  • Focus and motivation
  • Self-nurturing and self-awareness
  • Passionate and joyful living


  • Attunements for Energy Healers to raise their vibration
  • Balance chakras
  • Release family, ancestral, and past life patterns
  • Spiritual awakening and alignment